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Our Partners

Marzano Academies
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Marzano Academies works in partnership with all types of schools, to help school leaders and teachers create a competency-based education system. Academies team members train teachers on competency-based education components, help teachers deploy a competency-based, student data management system [Empower Learning LMS] and provide up-to-date research products on best teaching and assessment practices. The Marzano Academies’ team, from start-to-finish, guides a school from traditional educational practices to developing a personalized, student-centered, competency-based system.


The Empower Learning LMS and gradebook are the exclusive platform for Marzano Academies schools.

Modern Teacher

Modern Teacher leads modern school districts from coast to coast with a shared methodology. Network districts advance through the Digital Convergence Framework to effectively modernize learning at scale. The framework consists of actionable steps across 6 key drivers of a school system, providing a strategic roadmap to achieve district-wide advancement.

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