District Administrators:

Systematize Competency-Based and Traditional Instruction by Adopting an Instructional Model-The Marzano Academies Instructional Model. Align instructional conversations at every level of your system through a common language of instruction.

Align Teacher Development, Observation, and Evaluation (optionally) Under One Platform

Establish Consistent, Transparent Instructional Expectations. Developmental scales articulate both solid classroom practices AND the effect of those practices on students.

Leverage Real-Time Data to Prioritize Your System’s Instructional Needs. Allow data to drive deployment decisions of instructional budget and personnel resources, maximizing your return on investment in these areas.

Remove the Artificial Constraints of an Academic Year When Measuring Teacher
Effectiveness. “Evergreen Data” means teacher effectiveness carries over, from year to year, so administrators, coaches, and teachers are not starting from zero every year.

Building Leaders and Coaches:

Get Everyone on the Same Page, with a Common Language of Instruction. Establish transparent and consistent expectations.

Avoid Having to Memorize Dozens of Look-fors. At-your-fingertips developmental scales define expected teacher AND student actions.

Deploy Resources Based on Real-time Data. Maximize staff development investment and deploy instructional personnel with confidence by using up-to-the-minute data on teacher strengths and development needs.

Leverage Existing Expertise to Build Instructional Capacity and Fuel Continuous Growth.
Easily identify expert teachers, by element of the instructional model, to model best practices and create a culture of collaborative efficacy and continuous growth.

Build Instructional Capacity with Built-in, Research-Based Resources Aligned to the
Instructional Model. With 49 “folios” containing over 300 research-based instructional strategies, the built-in resources eliminate time spent researching and curating sources of instructional best-practice.

No Need to Re-Demonstrate Already-Mastered Skills Each Year. Developmental and observational data is “Evergreen.” It carries over from year to year, simplifying teacher development.

Build Teacher Agency. Self-rate using a common language of instruction, with clear and transparent expectations. Utilize opportunities to submit evidence of best practices and self-advocate.

Establish Yearly Targets Aligned to the Instructional Model–The Marzano Academies
Instructional Model. Focus on two or three areas of need in a given school year. The instructional model’s robustness provides a career’s-worth of elements to fuel professional growth.

Access Research-Based Instructional Strategies. Built-in resources provide teachers, instructional coaches, and building leaders with over 300 research-based instructional strategies to fuel teacher development.