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Assessment in a CBE System--Webinar 1:
Obtrusive Assessment
Assessment in a CBE System--Webinar 2:
Unobtrusive Assessment

Assessment in a CBE System--Webinar 3:
Student Centered Assessment
October 3, 2022 4:30-5:30 ET

Assessment in a CBE System--Webinar 4:
Generating Current Summative Scores
 October 11, 2022 3:00-4:00 ET

Proficiency Scales in a CBE System--Webinar 1: The Nature of Proficiency Scales.
Dr. Robert Marzano and the CCBE's Matt Shea discuss problems with the traditional approach to grading and present an alternative approach, using proficiency scales. Proficiency scales are introduced and guidance on their structure is addressed.
Proficiency Scales in a CBE System--Webinar 2: Design Principles of Proficiency Scales.​
Dr. Robert Marzano and the CCBE's Matt Shea provide guidance on avoiding four common ineffective proficiency scales characteristics and identifying the focus of standards as a critical precursor to creating scales.
Proficiency Scales in a CBE System--Webinar 3: Effective Routines for the Use of Proficiency Scales.
Dr. Robert Marzano and CCBE's Matt Shea distinguish between declarative and procedural knowledge in creating proficiency scales, providing specific examples for reference. They also discuss the importance of involving students in the creation of student-friendly scales, laying out a process for creating these scales.
Using Proficiency Scales in a Competency Based System: October 29, 2021
Dr. Robert Marzano and Empower founder Scott Bacon discuss the use of proficiency scales as a foundation for a solid competency-based system, where educators understand exactly what students know right now and what they need to learn next.
Marzano Growth Calculator Webinar:  September 29, 2021
​No more waiting for state test results to accurately gauge student growth, when it's too late for meaningful intervention. Join Dr. Marzano in this recorded webinar to learn about a free tool to calculate reliabilities of teacher-created classroom assessments in a single classroom or across multiple classrooms.
Dr. Marzano on Converting Proficiency Scale Grades to Traditional Percentage & Letter Grades
Dr. Marzano shares several approaches to converting proficiency scale grades used in standards-based and competency-based systems to traditional percentage and letter grades. School communities, SISs, and state requirements may dictate the reporting of student grades in a traditional percentage or letter grade format. This need not be a deterrent to adopting a standards-based or competency-based approach. Dr. Marzano walks through grading charts that facilitate this conversion, allowing systems to continue to report student GPAs, handle student eligibility, etc.
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