Evergreen Data
Easily view a student's or cohort's mastery of individual topics across school years.
Manage student progress. Work collaboratively to create instruction, assessments and units that allow students choice.
Anytime, anywhere learning happens, easily record it and align it to your standards, then calculate data-driven summative scores.
View high-level data or drill down to specifics. Print progress reports and even transcripts from our templates.
The Standards-Referenced and Competency-
Based LMS you've been searching for.
Empower is a full-blown LMS and gradebook, with dynamic instructional design tools and powerful reporting and analytics

Manage your differentiated classroom. Work collaboratively to
create instruction, assessments and units.
We want to hear about your vision and show you how Empower can support it.

- Dr. Robert Marzano
Anytime, anywhere learning happens, easily record it and align it to your standards then calculate data-driven summative scores.
We want to hear about your vision and show you how Empower can support it.

- Dr. Robert Marzano
View high-level data or drill down to specifics. Print progress reports and even transcripts from our templates.
We want to hear about your vision and show you how Empower can support it.

- Dr. Robert Marzano
Google Integration
Sign in with Google and easily include your Google Docs, YouTube, Images, and just about anything else in your standards-based instruction.

Portals & Solutions
for all Stakeholders
Present meaningful data, curated to meet the needs of individual stakeholders in your system.