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Data for you.
Data for Guardians.
Interact with your data digitally through various Empower tools or print progress reports and even transcripts.

Analyze progress and need across your learning community.
Get high-level diagnostic information that you can drill down on to inform your decision-making .

Catch need early, so you can help in time.
Real-time data on key performance indicators keep you and your community on top of things.

How you communicate home is critical.
Our Progress Reports are designed with guardians to give them the info they need in a way that's easily understood

The tools for your schools.
Empower is a full-blown LMS and gradebook, with dynamic
instructional design tools and powerful reporting and analytics.
Manage student progress. Work collaboratively to create instruction, assessments and units that allow student's choice.

Anytime, anywhere learning happens, easily record it and align it to your standards then calculate data-driven summative scores.
View high-level data or drill down to specifics. Print progress reports and even transcripts from our templates.
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